Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We make everything with perfection and premium quality, so customers, after receiving their outfits, give us positive feedback. To make our customers fully satisfied, the following are some of the queries & questions that have been answered by the customers:

How many days does it take to get my product to my doorstep?

We make fresh products, and we have all the materials and designs ready for them to do that within 10 working days. However, if a customer places an order that is not part of our collection, it can take more time.

What type of fabrics are used to manufacture the product?

Most of our items are made using leather, cotton, fleece, and wool, and we also have a wide range of parachute items on our website.

Can I order a customized jacket?

Yes, we have a customization option as well. You need to send us a design that you want to get crafted by filling our make your own performa on online web store. Our team will contact you within 48 hours and then deliver to your doorstep.

Do your store sells women's jackets as well?

Yes, we have a huge variety of different kinds of materials for men and women.

In which countries do you offer free delivery?

We do offer free shipping to all countries of the world, but for Russia, Africa, and Eastern Europe, shipping charges are very comparatively high, so shipping charges are applicable for these regions. It doesn't matter how many products you order.

What payment modes are acceptable?

We accept online payments only. You can pay in any currency from ATM Debit Card / Credit Card as we have mentioned above.